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Business Activities for Search Customers

The procurement net assists search customers in a structured and systematic way from the beginning and until the accomplishment of the procurement success. These are the first steps in this direction:

value and potential analysis for the purchased items
assistance with the preparation of requirements lists for:
- suppliers and customers
- features of components and materials
- target suppliers
selection of adequate procure customers
briefing of the procure customer
controlling of the procure customer activities
harmonization of procure customer’s and search customer’s interests
report of results
evaluation of procure customers

The search customer can mandate the procurement net by request and against payment to provide professional consultancy services in order to optimize its procurement sector (SWOT, organization, processes, terms, IT etc.)
The procurement net assumes no warranty or liability with respect to the quality of the supply, the payments or the deadlines. As in the case of all other procurement processes, the responsibility hereof remains with the search customer.

Customers Benefit